2024: The Year of Goals with soul
According to Forbes (2023), researchers suggest that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions complete them. Research goes on to show that 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% quit by the end of January. So why do we continue to fall for the ACME trap of failure? Who knows!
Set Goals with Soul in 2024
Rather than follow the norm of NYE resolutions and setting yourself up for failure, why not try something new this year? How about creating “Goals with Soul.” This concept began with Danielle LaPorte, a well-known self-help guru and personal development coach & author. She penned the book, The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul (2014) and it is a strategy one of our trainers has been using for years with tremendous success.
The concept of Goals with Soul is to create a life you want based on how you want to FEEL in specific life domains and then take action daily to make sure you do things that honor those feelings. So let’s get started.
Livelihood & Lifestyle
Body & Wellness
Creativity & Learning
Relationships & Society
Essence & Spirituality
Begin brainstorming or mapping each area and get words and feelings down on a page.
““One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” ”
Once you have your words on paper, begin looking at them more closely. Look up the words you need more clarity on, check out an online thesaurus, and find some other words or more accurate words. Look up all the words that resonate with you and describe how you want to feel. Find the perfect words that excite you. If you don’t have that good old dictionary or thesaurus on hand, check out dictionary.com or thesaurus.com for some assistance.
Step 3: TOP 10
Go back to all your words and circle all the ones that bring the tingles and all the good feels. If you get stuck consider these questions (directly from The Desire Map (LaPorte, 2014):
What does it FEEL like to be ___________?
What does it LOOK like to be __________?
What does it SOUND like to be ________?
If I were ___________, what would my life be like?
What’s ___________ REALLY about for me?
Don’t be too general with your words. REALLY FEEL into each word. One may even pop out over and over again and you can’t explain why, but you love it, so go with it.
You may begin to see a pattern in the words and feelings you have chosen across all life domains. Look for the CORE DESIRES that continue to show up. Choose the feelings that make you feel alive and connected.
*Sidenote: Choose words that help you look inward. Do not focus on feelings and words that come from external sources. Take control of YOU & your HAPPINESS.
The goal is to settle on 3-5 Core Desired Feelings, but if your lucky number is 7 and that’s how many words you want, then go with 7. If you want just one feeling then go with one, but 3-5 is a good space to land if you are not sure since this is new to you.
Small, deliberate actions inspired by your true desires create a life you love.
~Danielle LaPorte
Finally, create a list of daily actions to support your feelings. Create a life of intentions rather than goals. Be sure to ask yourself regularly if you are doing something today to make you feel the way you WANT TO FEEL! Stick with that. There is no failure in this technique. You can constantly revisit your feelings and intentions. Be sure to check in weekly to plan for your actions so that they meet your core desires and live with intention. We can’t wait to see how this new method works out for our clients and followers. Share your words in the comments on our IG or FB pages.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy & soulful New Year!
~The Underground Trainers